in progress….
The cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Cucumbers vary in size and shape depending on the variety.
Other popular vegetables from the Cucurbitaceae family are:
Two methods of growing cucumber are used.
Due to the high heat requirements of cucumbers, sowing should be done when the topsoil temperature is at least 12°C. In spring, plant emergence occurs after 10–14 days under field conditions. At higher temperatures this period is shorter. On the other hand, if the seed is sown too early in soils with lower temperatures, the emergence period will be prolonged. This will expose the seed to disease. There is also an increased risk of young seedlings being damaged by spring frosts. For sowing, use only healthy seeds with a high seed value. It is recommended to treat seeds with the microbial product PRIMSEED BIOM HORTI, which is very beneficial for the growth and initial development of young plants.
Growing cucumbers from a seedling is more labor-intensive, but can speed up production by up to 3 weeks compared to growing them from seed.
The production of cucumber seedlings for growing in soil or organic substrates is done in pots/multi-pots, as this species is very sensitive to damage to the root system. The substrate should be sterile, sufficiently porous and rich in nutrients, with a pH of 6.0-6.5. During the early stages of seedling growth, it is very beneficial to use the microbial product BACTIM® RADINET for better development of the plant root system. During the development and growth of true leaves – it is recommended to fertilize the seedlings with a solution of PLONVIT®OPTY multi-nutrient fertilizer and PLONVIT® CALCIUM TURBO. The seedling production period lasts 3 weeks. A well grown seedling should be stocky with two well developed leaves and a well grown root ball. In the last days before planting (3–4 days) it is recommended to harden the seedlings.
Cucumber has high soil requirements. It thrives best in soils that are well structured, rich in organic matter, warm and permeable. Because of its shallow root system, cucumber has a high fertilizer requirement. It responds very favorably to organic fertilization. It also requires intensive and rational mineral fertilization, adapted to the needs and the richness of the soil, determined by soil analysis.
Apart from basic soil fertilization, foliar fertilization is a standard. Its main advantage fertilization is the quick and effective supply of the most-required nutrients to plants at particular stages of development.
Presently, foliar treatments are an integral part of the mineral nutrition programs for cucumber, because:
The foliar applications of TYTANIT®, OPTYSIL®, AMINOPRIM®, PLANTICINE® may stimulate plants for better growth and yield and for improvement of tolerance to abiotic (weather conditions) and biotic (disease and pest appearance) stresses, as well as the capability of accelerating the recovery of plants after the occurrence of stressful conditions.
The formation of a strong root system is essential for the correct development of the plant, since in cucumbers there is a very large disproportion between the above-ground part and the roots.
The use of BACTIM® TERRASTART, BACTIM® VIGOR – increases the microbial biodiversity of the soil, stimulates the development of the root system and its regeneration, accelerates the mineralization and humification of organic matter, improves the structure of the soil and its physical and chemical properties, and reduces the development of soil-borne fungal diseases.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products allows you to design your own individual foliar fertilisation and biostimulation programme, taking into account local soil conditions, cropping intensity, crop development stage and product availability.