Garlic is a vegetable with an intense, distinctive flavor and aroma. This makes it a widely used and appreciated spice. An additional benefit of garlic is that it has medicinal properties. Garlic is a species with a large number of ecotypes and varieties. Traditionally, the varieties have been divided into two groups:
- Hardneck garlic – produce inflorescence shoots.
The plants of these varieties are characterized by a strong growth and they are very productive.
The cloves in the bulbs are regularly arranged in a circle.
The number of cloves is small, but the size of cloves is large.
The bulbs are poorly covered with scales. This makes them less storable. - Softneck garlic – not produce inflorescence shoots
The cloves are smaller and arranged in a spiral pattern.
The bulbs are heavily covered with scales – they store well.
Garlic reproduces only in a vegetative way. Plants begin to vegetate at 3-5oC. The intensive development of the bulbs takes place when the temperature is higher than 20oC and the length of the day is 12 hours. Hardneck garlic is usually cultivated as a winter crop (planted in autumn). Under Polish climatic conditions, they are planted from mid-September to the end of October. This gives them time to root before winter. Softneck garlic can be planted either in the fall or in the spring from late March to early April. In Poland, garlic planted in the fall is harvested in July, and garlic planted in the spring is harvested in August or September. The yellowing of the stem and leaves and their breakage are signs that the garlic bulbs are reaching maturity.
Garlic has high soil and water requirements. Fertile, humus-rich, well-maintained soils with good water-holding capacity are suitable for its cultivation. The optimum soil pH range is 6.5-6.8. Plants of garlic respond very positively to organic fertilization. It also requires intensive and rational mineral fertilization, adapted to the needs and abundance of the soil, determined by soil analysis.
Apart from basic soil fertilization, foliar fertilization is a standard.
- Applied after emergence, activator of plant rooting ROOTSTAR® provides zinc, in the form of ammonium zinc acetate, stimulates the formation of auxins, i.e. it is one of the precursors for auxins, especially indoleacetic acid (IAA).
- Phosphorus, delivered by foliar application during the development of the first leaves, has a beneficial effect on the rate of their development and growth. It also supports the development of the root system (GROWON® or PLONVIT® FOSTAR or PLONVIT® PHOSPHO).
- During intensive growth of plants, it is especially important to have an optimal supply of nitrogen (PLONVIT® NITROMAG or PLONVIT® NITRO). Well-formed leaves are a strong guarantee of a high garlic yield.
- From the beginning of the formation of the garlic bulb, very important is potassium, which is responsible for production and transport of photosynthetic substances to the harvestable plant parts. Also, it regulates water management of plants and sugar biosynthesis (PLONVIT® KALPRIM, PLONVIT® KALI).
- In the fertilization of garlic, magnesium should be taken into account (MIKROKOMPLEX™), sulfur (PLONVIT® SULVIT), as well as calcium (OPTYCAL®, PLONVIT® CALCIUM TURBO)
- Of all micronutrients important are: manganese (AMINO ULTRA® Mn-22 or MIKROCHELAT Mn-13), copper ( AMINO ULTRA® Cu-24 or MIKROCHELAT Cu-15), boron (MIKROVIT® BORON TURBO or MIKROVIT® BORON) zinc (AMINO ULTRA® Zn-24 or MIKROCHELAT Zn-15) and molybdenum (MIKROVIT® MOLYBDENUM).
- For ensure large yield quantity and good quality – biostimulation is very important. The foliar applications of TYTANIT®, OPTYSIL®, AMINOPRIM®, VANADOO®, PLANTICINE® may stimulate plants for better growth and yield and for improvement of tolerance to abiotic (weather conditions) and biotic (disease and pest appearance) stresses, as well as the capability of accelerating the recovery of plants after the occurrence of stressful conditions.
- Particularly noteworthy are the highly alkaline line of fertilizers ALKALIN™: ALKALIN™ K+Si, ALKALIN™ KB+Si, ALKALIN™ PK 10:20. Alkaline pH of fertilizer solutions activates the immune factors of plants.
- During planting of garlic cloves worth to apply BACTIM® TERRASTART. This is a fertilizer that ensures optimal distribution of nutrients thanks to microgranular formulation. High phosphorus content and the innovative SAFE-P formula, have a positive effect on the development of the root system. In addition, the product also contains easily absorbable zinc, which is essential for the initial development of plants.
- It is important to reduce nematodes in garlic crops. For this purpose, the use of BACTIM® RECEPTOR is recommended. It is a bioproduct especially advisable for sites threatened by nematodes. This product can be used prophylactically as a single dose or several times depending on the pressure of nematodes.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.