Oilseed rape is an oilseed plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family. There are two botanical forms of cultivated oilseed rape: winter and spring. The cultivation of winter varieties dominates in European climatic conditions. In the northern US and in Canada, cultivation of spring varieties definitely dominates.
WINTER OILSEED RAPE has very high plant nutritional and fertilizing requirements. Therefore, in addition to soil fertilization, foliar fertilization is a standard. It is complementary treatment in case of macronutrients (foliar feeding covers only a small part of plant nutritional requirements), while in terms of micronutrients, foliar fertilization is the primary and the most effective way of providing them to plants.
The autumn period – from seed germination to winter dormancy – is very important in the development of oilseed rape.
During this time, rapeseed should produce a rosette consisting of 8–12 leaves, along with side shoot buds in the leaf axils and with initiated flower buds on the main shoot and majority of side shoots. The root neck should be at least 0.8–1 cm in diameter, and the root system should reach approx. 40–50 cm deep into the soil profile.
In addition to yield-forming importance, autumn foliar fertilization treatments supposed to prepare plants for winter conditions.
Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to supply plants with phosphorus (PLONVIT® PHOSPHO or PLONVIT® FOSTAR), potassium PLONVIT® KALI or PLONVIT® KALPRIM), magnesium (magnesium sulphate x 7 H2O) and microelements (PLONVIT® OIL CROPS).
Microelements particularly important for improving winter hardiness of plants are: molybdenum (MIKROVIT® MOLYBDENUM), boron (MIKROVIT® BORON TURBO or MIKROVIT® BORON or MIKROVIT® BORON PLUS) and manganese (AMINO ULTRA® Mn-22 or MIKROCHELAT™ Mn-13 or MIKROVIT® MANGANESE). Molybdenum affects the transition of the mineral nitrogen taken up by the plants into amino acids and then into proteins. This is important not only for the proper development of plants in autumn, but also for the intensification of metabolic processes of plants preparing them for winter dormancy. Boron, thanks to the participation in the carbohydrate transport to the root neck and roots, and manganese by increasing the intensity of photosynthesis and the production of assimilates, increase the concentration of “cellular sap” which results in decreased freezing point temperature of plant tissues.
Foliar application of the OPTYSIL® has a positive effect on development of the root system, and also significantly increases the resistance of plants to low temperature. It significantly improves tolerance of plants to water shortage in soil, which is of the great importance for proper growth and development of plants not only in autumn, but also in spring.
The period from start of spring vegetation to flowering – this is the time of intensive biomass growth.
Of the nutrients, nitrogen is fundamental to plant development. Properly growing oilseed rape accumulates most of the nitrogen in leaves and stems until the beginning of flowering.
In addition to soil fertilization, it is recommended in this period of intensive plant development to supply plants with nitrogen and other nutrients that affect the proper nitrogen management of plants – phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and microelements (PLONVIT® OPTY, magnesium sulphate x 7 H2O, PLONVIT® SULVIT, PLONVIT® OIL CROPS).
Among the micronutrients during this period, boron (MIKROVIT® BORON TURBO or MIKROVIT® BORON or MIKROVIT BORON PLUS) and manganese (AMINO ULTRA® Mn-22 or MIKROCHELAT™ Mn-13 or MIKROVIT® MANGANESE) are particularly important.
Foliar application of both, TYTANIT® and OPTYSIL® has a very positive effect on plant growth and development. TYTANIT® significantly increases pollen viability, pollination, fertilization, and formation of pods and seeds. OPTYSIL®, on the other hand, increases resistance to periodic water shortages in soil (drought) and biotic stress caused by pathogens and / or pest occurrence.
Formation of pods and seeds – this is the time when foliar fertilization of plants with potassium is very important (PLONVIT® KALI or PLONVIT® KALPRIM) or PLONVIT® UNI PK 10:18). Potassium regulates water management of plants – increases drought resistance and intensifies the accumulation of storage components in seeds (increased oil content and TSW). It is also very important to provide during this period comprehensive micronutrients necessary for the proper development of pods and seeds – PLONVIT® OIL CROPS.
Seed ripening – before harvest
When harvesting rapeseed, a significant portion of the crop can be lost due to self-spreading seeds. This phenomenon, caused by uneven maturation of pods, is also the reason for the mass appearance of self-seeded seeds in subsequent crops.
STRETCH™ – adjuvant for strengthening siliques at the harvest maturity phase – is used to reduce the negative effects of this phenomenon.
The good condition of plants throughout the growing season determines the oilseed rape yield. Even short-term deficiency of nutrient may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the plants needs at every stage of their development. INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
Plants cultivated in the field are exposed to many stresses related to climatic, weather and environmental factors.
All the activities discussed have a significant impact on the yield increase and its quality parameters.