Production of potted plantlets is carried out in two stages:
1. mother nursery field plantation from which rosettes are obtained
2. rooting and development of plantlets in pots.
Re 1.
Mother nursery planttaions are established in autumn from freshly dug plantlets obtained from specially selected mother plantations offering nursery material for further propagation of plants (“elite” class).
Plantlets from such plantations have a certificate of plant health and varietal identity.
Strawberry can also be propagated in “in vitro” cultures and in specially managed mother plantations grown in soilless systems.
Proper soil preparation prior to planting of mother nursery plantation, organic and mineral soil fertilization as well as the right planting technique – these are the conditions necessary for a good adaptation of plantlets after planting to field and further development of plants. The effectiveness of cultivation can be increased by appropriate bio-stimulation of plants and foliar plant nutrition.
In autumn, foliar treatments are primarily aimed at:
In the period from the start of vegetation in spring up to beginning of rosette formation, the treatments are aimed at:
Re 2.
In order to rooting, the rosettes are cut off from mother plants with 1–2 cm of a fragment of a runner at a very early stage of development (2–3 leaves and initiated hooked roots) and placed in multiplates filled with substrate.
Plants should be regularly sprayed with water, protected against diseases and pests, as well as feed by foliar fertilizer treatments (PLONVIT® OPTY or PLONVIT® GEL). The foliar application of the TYTANIT® biostimulant intensifies the development of leaves and roots. It is also beneficial to use the OPTYSIL® biostimulant, which increases the tolerance of young plants to biotic and abiotic stresse
The production of potted cuttings takes 3–4 weeks. Plants that are ready to be planted have a few leaves and an well-developed root system, so they easily adopt to the field conditions. The good condition of plants throughout the growing season determines the quantity and quality of potted plantlets.
Even short-term nutrient deficiency may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive assessment of the requirements of the plants at any stage of their development. This will allow them to be fed properly and bio-stimulate them.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
All of these discussed actions significantly affect the yield increase and its quality parameters.