Sugar beet is a widely cultivated species in the temperate climate zone, where it is a vital raw material for sugar industry. It has great soil and climatic requirements (it requires a substantial rainfall level – transpiration rate for sugar beet is 340 litres of water to produce 1 tonne of dry matter). Due to the high biomass production potential, sugar beet requires heavy fertilisation.
A deficiency of nutrients reduces root yield, and their excess not only does not increase the yield, but actually significantly deteriorates the quality of sugar beets. The aim of sugar beet cultivation techniques is to maximize the yield of sugar (root yield plus sugar content, so called sugar on the field). The processing value of roots is reduced by the content of alpha-amino nitrogen, which is the most important molasses-producing component (molasses producers cause losses in sugar mills in the final stage of production process, hampering the crystallisation of sugar and causing its transformation to molasses). These also include potassium and sodium ions, but their effect on reducing sugar yield is much lower. The correct and optimum fertilisation of sugar beets, including foliar feeding, substantially determines the size of yield and impacts the quality parameters, which in turn determines the economic effect of cultivation.
Macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur are supplied to the soil and by foliar supplementation with appropriate fertilizers. Whereas all the requirements of sugar beets for trace elements may be satisfied by foliar feeding. The most vital trace elements for sugar beet include: boron (MIKROVIT® BORON), manganese (MIKROVIT® MANGANESE or MIKROCHELAT Mn-13), copper (MIKROVIT® COPPER or MIKROCHELAT Cu-15), and zinc (MIKROVIT® ZINC or MIKROCHELAT Zn-15), as well as molybdenum (MIKROVIT® MOLYBDENUM).
The good condition of crops determines the size of root yield and their good processing properties. Healthy crops – intensive photosynthesis, lower risk of diseases, and higher sugar content in the roots.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.