INTERMAG built in Olkusz (Poland) a new biotechnology production facility. Modern production workshops, with an area of 1200 square meters, are equipped with, i.a.: installation for multiplying microorganisms, set of devices for the production of bioproducts (in dry and liquid form), indispensable technical infrastructure and laboratory for the quality control of manufactured bioproducts.

Construction and technical solutions, implemented in the new facility, are characterized by high hygiene standards, analogous to those used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. They are designed to eliminate the risk of product contamination with extraneous microorganisms. Also, utilities meet very strict quality requirements.

Automated technological installation intended for multiplying microorganisms is consisted of, i.a.: three bioreactors of varying capacity, set of formulation and storage tanks and also process centrifuge. Automatic control system of process ensures optimal growing  conditions,  including: degree of culture oxygenation, appropriate temperature and pH, to obtain the highest level of multiplying microorganisms. In order to maintain the highest hygiene standards, installation has been equipped with modern washing and sterilization systems.

An important element of the newly opened facility is the installation for formulation of bioproducts, i.e. final products (in dry and liquid form) containing multiplied microorganisms. For the production of liquid products are used formulation tanks, having various capacity, connected to the packaging line. For the production of dry products are used special devices, such as: freeze dryer, mixer and fluidized bad dryer. The installation allows for the production of diverse range of innovative products with a very high concentration of microorganisms applied on neutral substrates, as well as products containing microorganisms in combination with fertilizers.

Quality control process of final products is ensured by, built in the same location, fully equipped and functional microbiology laboratory where under the sterile conditions are carried out quantitative and qualitative analyses of multiplied microorganisms. Complex control of processes at every stage of production ensures the highest quality of manufactured bioprodcuts. The new facility can be considered as one of the most modern in the world.

The production of liquid bioproducts from BACTIM line has been already started in the new facility. Among them is BACTIM SOIL  – bioproduct improving soil fertility and lowering intensity of crop infection, due to decomposition of crop residues and increasing soil microbial activity.

Fot. 1. Automated control technological installation.

Fot. 2. Bioreactors  intended for multiplying microorganisms in labolatory.

Fot. 3. Bioreactors of various capacity intended for multiplying microorganisms.

Fot. 4. The quality of manufactured bioproducts is tested in laboratory.

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