Iron – essential for crops. How to control chlorosis?

What are the functions of iron in crops?

Iron plays a number of important functions in plants, which focus around the most crucial physiological processes. Without this micronutrient, crops cannot grow properly, their resistance decreases, and they become susceptible to diseases.

Functions of iron:

  • Stimulates the formation of chlorophyll
  • Participates in oxidation-reduction processes during photosynthesis and respiration
  • Involved in the reduction of nitrates and nitrites to plant proteins
  • Participates in the transport of nutrients and assimilates

Causes of iron deficiencies – not so obvious

In agricultural practices, iron deficiencies are usually not caused by a lack of it in the soil, but by its limited availability to plants due to pH (neutral or alkaline), excess moisture, low temperature, elevated soluble salts and poor aeration. Iron deficiencies are evident in sites that are intensively limed, over-fertilized, or periodically flooded.

Iron deficiencies – typical symptoms

The symptom of iron deficiency is a chlorosis, which first signs (light yellow discoloration of leaves) occur on the youngest leaves. Plant growth is limited due to slowed photosynthesis.

Iron deficiency on sweet cherry leaves
Iron deficiency symptoms on raspberry leaves

Foliar treatments with Fe – best solution to reduce iron deficiency symptoms.

It’s important to monitor the conditions in the soil so that the iron can be absorbed and assimilated by the plant. If symptoms of iron deficiency develop, the application of foliar fertilisers is essential. Foliar application of Fe increases the absorption of Fe through leaves and is more effective and faster than soil application. Foliar sprays work well for correcting deficiencies even when there’s sufficient iron in the soil but unavailable for root uptake.

AMINO ULTRA® Fe-20 – effective foliar fertiliser with iron

AMINO ULTRA® Fe-20 is innovative micronutrient fertiliser intended for foliar feeding, based on patented GCAA technology, in which micronutrients are bonded with glycine. Glycine, as the smallest amino acid in plants and also most mobile, ensures much faster and more effective plant nutrition than mineral salts, oxides or fertilisers based on other complexing agents. AMINO ULTRA® Fe-20 is both highly effective and can be used in organic agriculture, so stands at the forefront of sustainability. 

Iron – essential for crops. How to control chlorosis?
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