Maize biostimulation matters!

How does the biostimulation work?

Biostimulation focuses on enhancing plant growth, health, and productivity through innovative methods. Biostimulants operate on various levels, including: stimulating the root system, improving the absorption of nutrients, strengthening resistance to diseases and environmental stresses. Thanks to this, the plants become stronger, healthier and more efficient. This approach is particularly relevant for maize (corn), one of the world’s most significant cereal crops, used for food, feed, and various industrial products.

What are the benefits of maize biostimulation?

Benefits of maize biostimulation include:
Enhanced yield: by improving nutrient uptake and stress resilience, biostimulation can significantly increase maize production
Sustainability: biostimulation reduces the need for fertilisers and pesticides, lowering agricultural input costs and environmental impact.
Stress tolerance: biostimulants can help maize plants with abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures, as well as biotic stresses from pests and diseases.

Biostimulants for maize – what to use?

To achieve high quality and quantity maize yield, the best are TYTANIT and OPTYSIL.

TYTANIT is a yield biostimulant, a catalyst of natural plant physiological processes and therefore positively affects quantity and quality of yield. Creates a greater biomass by increasing photosynthesis through higher chlorophyll content as a result of increased Fe ions activity. TYTANIT increases the effectiveness of pollination process due to improvement of pollen vitality and pollen germination on stigma -> more effective seed and fruit setting.

OPTYSIL is an innovative silicon immunity biostimulant, containing active silicon form. The product is registered for use in organic farming. Increases plant tolerance to drought and low temperatures – leaves, strengthened by silicon deposits in cell walls, demonstrate reduced transpiration and therefore plants are more tolerant to periodic water shortages and low temperatures. OPTYSIL lowers plant susceptibility to pathogen penetration – strengthened cell walls are natural barrier limiting the penetration of pathogens and their spreading in plant tissues, and also lowers plant susceptibility to mechanical damages.


Mazie biostimulation stands at the forefront of sustainable agriculture, offering a promising avenue to enhance maize growth and productivity. By harnessing the power of biological processes, we can support the growing global demand for maize in a way that is both productive and sustainable.

Maize biostimulation matters!
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