Warehouse and Logistics Centre operates in accordance with the implemented modern WMS class IT system that supports all processes associated with order planning, booking, selection and release of goods from the warehouse, and transport selection and organisation. At the same time, the system covers the area of raw materials and packaging purchase planning, planning, supervision, and control over production and quality control. Based the customers’ orders it is possible to quickly check and book stocks and to efficiently plan production in advance and in the correct quantity.
Modern warehouse is divided into three areas:
Collection area – an area where goods are received from two INTERMAG production plants
Storage area – main warehouse equipped with high storage shelves
Release area – an area where orders are prepared for shipments.
The collection and release areas are equipped with independent loading ramps for 50 FTL trucks and cargo containers received and dispatched per day.
Process optimization and full availability of finished products ensure timely delivery to customers.