INTERMAG was a host sponsor of the Conference New AG International Annual 2022. The event took place between 10th and 12th of May 2022 in Warsaw, Poland and was focused on Specialty Fertilizers & Biostimulants. During the event, Hubert Kardasz – CEO of INTERMAG, gave an opening lecture entitled : “Understanding market dynamics for the foliar fertilizer and biostimulant in Europe with insight into Central & Eastern Europe”. The presentation gave insight on the current situation on fertilizer and biostimulant market in Central and Eastern Europe describing the opportunities and difficulties, which fertilizer business is currently facing.
One of the main topic discussed during the conference was increasing nutrient use efficiency by plants, which is the response to the constantly increasing prices of fertilizers. Anna Konieczny, International Marketing Manager at INTERMAG, gave the presentation demonstrating how microbial products, based on beneficial bacteria contained in the products from BACTIM line, can contribute to the increased content of plant available nutrients in soil, via releasing nutrients from crop residues, fixing atmospheric nitrogen and solubilizing phosphorus, zinc and silicon. In her presentation, Anna also demonstrated how application of biostimulant TYTANIT, based on titanium organic complex, enhances nutrient uptake by plants, which results in better plant nutritional status.
During the conference Anna Konieczny also chaired one of the main sessions, which was dedicated to the regulatory changes.
The event gave INTERMAG Team an excellent opportunity to meet our friends and partners from all the word and exchange the latest news on research, new products and technologies in the field of plant nutrition and biostimualtion.