Oat is the spring cereal crop grown in countries with temperate climate.
It has low soil requirements due to the strong root system. It prefers cold and wet weather – it has the biggest water requirements in the stage of stem elongation and heading.
This species is characterized by a short vegetation period, resistance to low temperature (it already germinates at 2–3°C) and tolerance to a wide range of soil pH (4.5–7.2).
In the group of cereal crops oat is distinguished by relatively high resistance to fungal pathogens and competitiveness in relation to weeds. For this reason oat plays a beneficial phytosanitary role in crop rotation with a high share of cereals.
Oats also has some drawbacks – the tillering is poor, and the largest grain yield is obtained mostly from the main shoot. In addition, ripens unevenly – panicles ripen first on the main shoots. Also, is sensitive to grain falling before harvest.
The costs of oat cultivation are lower compared to other grains because plants require neither intensive fertilization nor sophisticated disease and pest control. However, when cultivated extensively and/or on light soils yield is low (about 2.5–3.0 t/ha). Higher yields (5–7 t/ha) are possible to obtain only with proper crop agricultural technology.
The most important items of proper crop agricultural technology include sowing as early as possible as well as proper mineral fertilization and foliar plant nutrition.
Optimal plant supply with nitrogen (N) has the greatest impact on the quantity and quality of grain. Nitrogen fertilization, however, requires some care, because the excess of nitrogen may cause lodging, promotes development of diseases and prolongs maturation of grains. In order to increase nitrogen uptake and its yield-forming efficiency, the availability of other macro- and microelements for plants is also necessary.
Oat is extremely sensitive to deficiency of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Also, it also has higher demand for magnesium (Mg) then other cereal crops.
The uptake of phosphorus from the soil in early spring may be limited – it is possible only when soil temperature will rise above 12°C. Then foliar feeding with phosphorus, using such products as: GROWON® or PLONVIT® FOSTAR or PLONVIT® PHOSPHO – is very beneficial for the development of young plants. The ROOTSTAR™ activator can also be used for intensification of root system development.
In addition to optimal soil fertilization with nitrogen, supplying plants with macronutrients: phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) as well as micronutrients in foliar treatments – is very beneficial for the tillering process and further proper plant development (PLONVIT® OPTY, PLONVIT® UNI PK 10:20, PLONVIT® CEREALS).
Deficiency of micronutrients in oat cultivation very often limits the yield and its quality. To produce a tonne of oat grain with the appropriate amount of straw, oat needs higher amount of micronutrients than other grain crops. It is the most sensitive to manganese (Mn) deficiency, which causes gray specks of oat leaves. It appears especially when grown in soils with pH above 6.0. Oat is also very sensitive to deficiency of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and molybdenum (Mo).
Therefore, even in extensive oat growing technology, it is necessary to apply by foliar treatment micronutrient fertilizer – PLONVIT® CEREALS – at least twice during the vegetation season.
On the other hand, in intensive cultivation of oat it is recommended to implement an individual foliar nutritional program using additionally simple (straight) fertilizers. The most effective fertilizers that supply plants with single microelements are:
The good condition of plants throughout the growing season determines the oat yield.
Even short-term nutrient deficiency may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive assessment of the requirements of the plants at any stage of their development. This will allow them to be properly fed and biostimulated. INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
Particularly noteworthy are the highly alkaline fertilizer ALKALIN™, which, in addition to the basic functions of bringing in nutrients, has shielding properties for plants: ALKALIN™ PK 10:20.
All the activities discussed have a significant impact on the yield increase and its quality parameters.