Everbearing varieties of strawberries initiate flower buds regardless of the length of the day and bear fruit in practice for a continuous period of several months – from late spring to late autumn. After the first flowering and fruiting period, they subsequently produce more inflorescences. Thus, during the full season many growth stage phases of plants take place simultaneously – from flowering, through fruit development to their ripening.
It is best to plant a everbearing variety strawberry plantation with frigo plantlets in early spring (March – April). Plantlets should be of the highest class – preferably A++ or multi-crowned. This allows for early and abundant fruit harvest in the period comparable to the earliest traditional varieties. After this harvest, in the hottest period of summer, crop yield and fruit quality may be slightly reduced due to the high air temperature in summer, which is not conducive to good flower pollination and fruit development. Strawberry plants can not tolerate too high temperature (temperature above 30°C significantly inhibits their growth and fruiting). Later, the plants resume abundant crop, which lasts until frost. If the quality of the plantlets used for establishing the plantation is weak, it is recommended to remove the first inflorescences in order to strengthen the growth of plants. This allows to increase the summer and autumn yields. The fruiting shift also allows to effectively control the most dangerous diseases and pests before start of fruiting.
The specific course of vegetation and yielding of everbearing varieties is the reason for slightly different agronomic recommendations than in the case of traditional varieties. A longer growing season as well as abundant and long yielding – these are the main reasons for the increased demand for nutrients of everbearing varieties compared to traditional ones. They require intensive but balanced fertilization and systematic irrigation throughout the growing season.
Soil fertilization prior to establishing a plantation in the field (before formation of beds) should be carried out based on soil analysis. Subsequent use of fertilizers should be done through a drip irrigation system (fertigation). Fertilizers recommended for fertigation must be of very high quality, especially excellent solubility in water, practically no insoluble parts and high concentration of nutrients – DROPFERT™ 18/18/18, DROPFERT™ 4/40/13, DROPFERT™ 9/10/36, MIKRO PLUS™ , MIKRO PLUS ™ULTRA. For the fertigation of crops in the field conditions, you can also use universal fertilizers of PLONVIT® series: PLONVIT® OPTY, PLONVIT® NITRO, PLONVIT® PHOSPHO, PLONVIT® KALI.
Fertigation, although it is a very effective method of fertilization, does not eliminate the need to foliar nutrition of strawberry plants, especially in the case of nutrients such as calcium (OPTYCAL®, PLONVIT® CALCIUM TURBO) and boron (MIKROVIT® BORON TURBO, MIKROVIT® BORON).
High yielding of strawberry plants and a long growing season require supporting of plant growth which could ensure yield quantity and good quality. Therefore, foliar applications of TYTANIT® may stimulate plants for better growth and yield.
The good condition of plants throughout the growing season determines the yield of strawberry.
Even short-term nutrient deficiency may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive assessment of the requirements of the plants at any stage of their development. This will allow them to be fed properly and bio-stimulate them.
Disease and pest control in the cultivation of everbearing varieties is one of the most important and yet the most difficult issue. Due to the overlapping of several plant growth stages at one time (flowering, fruit growing, harvesting of ripe fruit), only plant protection chemicals with very short pre-harvest interval can be used.
Therefore, it is particularly important to improve the natural resistance of plants to stress-causing conditions. Strengthening the natural resistance of plants to pathogens and increasing the mechanical resistance of plant cell walls through the use of the OPTYSIL® immunity biostimulant – is an effective method of supporting the fight against pathogens, part of the Integrated Plant Production Program (IPM). Shielding product (alkaline fertilizer) – ALKALIN™ PK 10:20 is also very useful and effective in programs supporting the control of some fungal pathogens.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
All of these discussed actions significantly affect the yield increase and its quality parameters.