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Grapevine is one of the most commonly grown fruit crop in the World.
Grapevine plants can grow in different soil conditions. However, the most suitable soils for grape are neutral or slightly alkaline sandy loams with low level of ground water.
Rapid and strong growth of shoots, high vegetative plant part production, long vegetation period and high yield require not only appropriate plant management (cutting) but also proper plant nutrition and stimulation.
Grapevine plants have high requirements for nitrogen (N) which effects plant growth and yield quantity and quality. Soil applied nitrogen should be supported by foliar application of nitrogen (N), especially at critical growth stages such as intensive shoot and leaf growth, inflorescence development and beginning of fruit development. For all those stages PLONVIT® NITROMAG and/or PLONVIT® OPTY could support plants with proper dose of nitrogen and other macro- and microelements as well.
High yield of grapes and high quality of berries and wine are influenced by other macronutrients, especially potassium (K), for which the vine plants have the highest demand among all macroelements. Potassium response mostly for fruit size, taste and colour which is important for both type of grapes: table and wine grapes. Foliar applied PLONVIT® KALPRIM could significantly improve supplying plants with potassium (K), especially during inflorescence development and fruit development.
Berry quality and tolerance to some fungal diseases results from calcium (Ca) availability to plants. Application of calcium activator OPTYCAL® and fertilizer PLONVIT® CALCIUM TURBO increases fruit firmness and resistance of fruit skin to cracking and creases.
Since vine grape plants are usually grown on neutral and slightly alkaline calcareous soils, they require effective supplying with microelements, especially boron (B), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu). Those nutrients have direct effect on a number of natural plant processes such as photosynthesis, pollination, fruit set and fruit development, sugar and acid metabolism etc. Their effectivness could be supported by foliar application of: AMINO ULTRA® Fe-20 or MIKROCHELAT™ Fe-13, AMINO ULTRA® Mn-22 or MIKROCHELAT™ Mn-13, AMINO ULTRA® Zn-24 or MIKROCHELAT™ Zn-15, and AMINO ULTRA® Cu-24 or MIKROCHELAT™ Cu-15. Also, since boron is hardly available to plants from calcareous soils, foliar application of MIKROVIT BORON TURBO could supply vine plants with boron to improve pollination, fruit set processes and increase fruit quality.
The good condition of grapevine throughout the growing season determines the yield.
Even short-term nutrient deficiency may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive assessment of the requirements of the plants at any stage of their development. This will allow them to be fed properly and bio-stimulate them.
INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
Particularly noteworthy are the highly alkaline line of fertilizers ALKALIN, which, in addition to the basic functions of bringing in nutrients, have shielding properties for plants: ALKALIN K+Si, ALKALIN KB+Si, ALKALIN PK 10:20.
All of these discussed actions significantly affect the yield increase and its quality parameters.