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Pear tree is a crop with quite high nutritional, climatic and soil requirements. It can grow on many types of soils, but the most suitable are deep, rich and fertile clay soils, slightly acidic (pH 6.2-6.7). Due to the flowering time, pear varieties are divided into three basic groups: early-flowering, medium-early-flowering and late-flowering. Due to the time of ripening, pear varieties are divided into: summer (early), autumn and winter varieties.
Pear fruits come in shades of yellow, red and green.
The roots of pear trees extend deeper into the soil profile than those of apple trees and – for this reason – these two species of pome trees have different fertilization requirements.
Pear trees require higher potassium fertilization than apple trees, while their nutritional requirements in terms of magnesium and calcium are lower than that of apple trees.
One of the most important issues in the cultivation of pears is to provide trees with the appropriate nutrients in the amounts needed for the proper development of trees and good yielding.
Presently, foliar treatments are an integral part of the mineral nutrition programs for pear trees, because:
Pear set fruit much more difficult than apple trees. It is also more sensitive to unfavorable weather conditions during flowering. In addition, pear blossoms produce a small amount of nectar (low in sugar), which makes them less attractive to pollinating insects.
For this reason, it is necessary to use the stimulator TYTANIT® before flowering, which improves the efficiency of pollen germination and seed formation during flowering. This results in better growth and development of the fruit.
Another typical feature of pear trees is the early start of vegetation in spring. During this period, it is not always possible to effectively uptake nutrients from soil due to too low soil temperature. An additional limitation in the nutrition of pear trees in early spring is the small amount of developed leaves during flowering, which limits the supplying flowers and fruit buds with assimilates.
Therefore, an important sources of nutrients in pears in the early spring period are those that were stored in the woody parts before the winter dormancy.
In the fall after harvest trees should be fed with fertilizers containing: zinc and boron (MIKROVIT® BORZIN TURBO), and in the case of poor plant condition, also with nitrogen (PLONVIT® NITRO or PLONVIT® NITROMAG).
The foliar supply of plants with nutrients after harvesting fruit (on active green leaves) is focused on their accumulation in wood and buds, in order to their quick use after the start of spring vegetation in the following year.
These treatments are the first treatments to prepare trees for the new growing season.
The good condition of pear trees throughout the growing season determines the yield of pears.
Even short-term nutrient deficiency may have a negative impact on plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive assessment of the requirements of the plants at any stage of their development. This will allow them to be fed properly and bio-stimulate them. INTERMAG’s wide range of products, allows you to develop your own individual foliar fertilization and biostimulation program, considering local soil conditions, crop intensity, stage of plant development and availability of various products.
Particularly noteworthy are the highly alkaline line of fertilizers ALKALIN, which, in addition to the basic functions of bringing in nutrients, have shielding properties for plants: ALKALIN K+Si, ALKALIN KB+Si, ALKALIN PK 10:20.
All of these discussed actions significantly affect the yield increase and its quality parameters.